ID #1000

an class="highlight">whatan> an class="highlight">isan> an class="highlight">isan> a private document exchange website for special groups and collaborative an class="highlight">proan>jects. Than class="highlight">isan> site allows you an class="highlight">toan> share documents with only the people you select. Create an account, then create multiple document folders an class="highlight">toan> share documents with your group members. You can set perman class="highlight">isan>sion levels for your group members and allow them an class="highlight">toan> upload and download documents. Whether for work related an class="highlight">proan>jects or creative non-work an class="highlight">proan>jects, than class="highlight">isan> site an class="highlight">isan> especially effective if you and your associates are workan class="highlight">inan>g an class="highlight">inan> different locations.

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